Restorative Dentistry
Tooth Colored Restorations (Fillings)
Tooth colored restorations have been routinely placed, very successfully, for the past 20+ years. These have been much welcomed by both, the patients & the dentists as a tooth colored alternative to silver amalgam fillings. The procedure is a well-documented straightforward procedure. Sometimes an anesthetic is painlessly injected, to ensure patient comfort.
The filling procedure involves removing all the decay, and ensuring only a clean surface of tooth remains for the procedure. A caries detector dye is also used to ensure all decay is removed. The tooth is then isolated, to keep away all the moisture & saliva from interfering with the bonding process. Next special surface conditioning is done and tooth is now ready tona receive the restoration.
Some of the finest brands of composite resin are used to fill the cavity and shape the restoration to resemble original tooth, hence it is called as a restoration. With these composite restorations, the patient can chew and function normal. The life of these composite fillings depend on the size of the cavity, and small size restorations well done have shown excellent service of 10 to 15 years and more.
At DentalOne, the doctors receive specific training in advanced techniques of isolation, restoration procedures, and other related subjects, hence are able to provide excellent long lasting restorations. Book an appointment today for an examination.
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is a treatment to rescue and treat teeth that are infected and painful, but are firm in the mouth. In earlier days, such teeth were frequently removed, but today no one like to remove teeth. If the tooth is suitable, the doctor will recommend root canal treatment (endodontics). Not all cases can the tooth be treated and retained, and in such case the doctor will inform on the subsequent procedures to be done.
Root Canal treatment is done for insides of the tooth, removing all the infected material, cleaning & shaping insides of the tooth. The area is anesthetized with a painless injection, numbing the whole area, so that the procedure can be done properly in a painless manner. The tooth which has a cavity, would need to be filled up first, and then a fresh access in the correct position is established for the tooth.
Rotary & hands instruments called files, are used to reach through the canals in the root of the tooth, till the very tip (apex), and clear all the infection. X-Rays & electronic devices are used to ensure the files are in the right position, and reaching the correct length. In the meanwhile medicated irrigation & cleaning is done with special cleaning liquids. This ensures all the inside material is cleared, and bacteria are removed, making the area aseptic.
Once the infection is all cleared, then a dressing with medication is given, and the cavity sealed. Usually in a next appointment, it is confirmed that the tooth is fully clear of infection, then it is filled with an inert rubbery material called Gutta Percha. This ensure there is no space for the bacteria to continue to grow and infect the tooth again. A well sealing restoration is place in the access hole that was created. In many cases, a proper protection of the tooth against breakage would need a Full Crown. This is a decision made by the doctor and depends on the clinical case.
Root canals today are very predictable, enjoy a high success rate and are painless. So rather than procrastinate and delay going to the doctor due to fear, go with no fear. Book an appointment today and enjoy the magic hands of doctors at DentalOne.
Ceramic Crowns
Ceramic Crowns are made from ceramic materials and resemble a natural tooth in appearance. These are made in the dental laboratory, by specialist Dental Ceramist Technicians. The work is both skilled as well as artistically demanding. These crowns are of two types, one with a metal base hence called Metal Ceramic Crowns, and the other has only glass ceramics and is called is All Ceramic Crowns.
Both crowns do an excellent job of building up and repairing broken teeth, to resemble intact natural teeth, and in the process they also are made to look good. These crowns also protect the underlying tooth structure, in case large portions of the tooth are missing due to decay. After root canal treatment is done for the chewing teeth (posteriors), a crown to protect the tooth is advisable.
The process itself is not painful, and involves reducing the tooth & preparing it to a proper shape to receive the crown. Once the tooth is prepared, an impression is made of the teeth and the whole arch. This impression is sent to the dental laboratory where the crowns are made. Since the outer layer is always ceramic, the surface is smooth, glossy, easy to maintain and nice to look at.
Metal Ceramic Crowns are mechanically stronger and can take more load. But due to metal backing, the crown will appear slightly opaque at margins. If aesthetics & appearance is the primary concern, an All Ceramic Crown is better suited. But the suitability has to be judged by the doctor on individual basis.
The crowns are tried in the mouth and adjustments, if needed are done before final fixing. The crowns are tried in for fit and proper biting, they are fixed to the underlying tooth. Depending on the type of crown, it is either cemented (Metal Ceramic) or bonded (All Ceramic). Once fixed, the patient can look forward to over 10 – 15 years or more, of trouble free service.